Give Yourself to Others …

Archive for June 2010

Yesterday, I worshipped at the Arlington Church of Christ, Arlington, Virginia.  My family worshipped there back in the mid-1950’s, when I was in elementary school.  We were visiting friends.

David Condon spoke.  He made a couple of great points about prayer.

First, he used an analogy of being in a boat rowing towards and island.  You can take a rope and throw it around a rock or something on the island and start to pull.

But, are you [1] pulling the island towards the boat; or, [2] pulling the boat towards the island.

David’s point about prayer is that it should take us towards God.  Prayer should be about helping us see things the way God sees things.  That’s when our will begins to conform to God’s will.  And our prayers are answered in conformance with God’s will — not to satisfy our wants or desires.

Oh, that we could see things the way God sees them.  How would that change us?

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